ADA Website Compliance Testing

The first step toward ADA compliance and website accessibility as an ADA Website Compliance Test. This test is based on the Web Content Accessibility Guideline (WCAG). The best practice for ADA website compliance testing is to follow a three step process.

  1. Automated ADA Testing - using the best software you can get
  2. Manual ADA Testing
  3. Asstive Technolgy Testing

Automated testing can only detect ~25% of WCAG issues. Therefore, its essential to also do manual and assistive technology WCAG testing.

The Key Value Is The Reporting

Our reporting not only shows where and what the issues are, but most importantly how to fix them. We also provide priority and severity levels for each to enable your team to focus on the most important violations first


Avoid Legal Actions for WCAG Compliance Violatons

As the threat of lawsuits and demand letters grows, smart website owners are either auditing and remediating their current websites, or they're choosing to create a new WCAG complaint website from scratch. In either case, we can assist. 


Please call us for a free consultation right now. 

802 864 8251 or email us 



ada compliant website designers



About Propeller Media Works

Since 1997 Propeller has been building beautiful custom web sites as well as providing search enging optimization (SEO) and other digital marketing services. In more recent years, we've become web accessibility experts. Our team lead has been specialzing in web accessibility since 2003.

Our team is highly personable and we love working with clients of all shapes and sizes. We are not a website factory, and we don’t do logos or cute brochures. 

Web Accessibility is not a bolt-on for us. It’s our core.


Please call us for a free consultation right now. 

802 864 8251 or email us